Saturday, October 6, 2007

God's Provision

As you can imagine, lately we've been thinking a lot about money since Ben is in school and I am still searching for a job. Thankfully, we are not in a situation like a lot of seminary couples are, where they have a lot of school debt from undergraduate years and/or may be coming straight from undergrad and have never earned a full-time salary. God has already given us a lot in that we both worked full-time for a few years and have been richly blessed by wedding gifts and love offerings from many generous family members and friends. But graduate school is not cheap and there are always the regular expenses of rent, insurance, food, utilities, etc. Today we had to pay a very large credit card bill - probably the biggest either of us have had personally - and one of our bank accounts became the lowest we've seen in a long time. It made me uneasy, even though I know God will always give us what we need.

Later, as I was continuing my work on the endless wedding thank-you notes, I found a wedding gift check that we had accidentally left in the card and had not deposited. While it was only a small fraction of the credit card bill we just paid, it was still a nice amount. And it just made me really thankful to God because to me, it was a small sign of how He gives and provides in ways that we sometimes don't expect.

Just a little testimony I wanted to share that I hope you'll find encouraging. We'd greatly appreciate your continued prayers for us in this job hunt, as well as for Ben's studies and for our marriage. Thanks!


Mitzi and Jerry said...

That reminds me of the time when my Dad was between jobs at CBC and AABC. Our VCR broke and then the next day we got an anonymous check in the mail for $140, just the right amount to buy a new VCR (back then).

Jehoveh Jireh - Our Provider!

Sojourner said...

Amen. We've seen it happen over and over again here at GCTS. It's a joy to be in a position of need, because we can truly see God prove Himself to be the Provider He claims to be in His Word. I am reminded of Phil. 4:19, "My God will meet every need of yours according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus." And a passage from Hebrews, "Keep yourself free from the love of money, and be content with what you have. For He has said, 'I will never leave you or forsake you.'" I've really enjoyed your blog and I am encouraged to see the grace and wisdom the Lord has given you both. Many blessings! Courtney Wisdom