Sunday, October 28, 2007

Almost Meeting Tim Keller

I'm a really big fan of Tim Keller, Pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in NYC. If you've heard me speak, you've probably heard some ideas from Tim Keller because I've been so influenced by his teaching. I truly believe he is one of the most important contemporary evangelical voices. Today, he spoke at the church we are attending here in Boston, Citylife Church. I was looking forward to maybe talking to him and maybe even putting a picture of him and me on this blog, so Rachel and I began looking for him after the service, trying to get a chance to introduce ourselves while he was talking to other people. Alas, when at last there was only one person in front of us, he had to catch an elevator. Foiled, I noted that if we were meant to meet him, we would run into him later. Coincidentally we saw him in the lobby but he was surrounded by a few people. Curses! So we never got to meet him. In any case, it was still really cool to hear him speak in person.


Anonymous said...

Lucky you, man! I've never see him in person...


DJ Chuang said...

one of the tips I've heard that works well, especially at conferences, is that if you want to meet a speaker and chat with him/her, bring a fresh bottle of water and offer it to them. It'll move you to the front of the line, and get you an extra conversation! :)